Viva The Alameda

CIMG0344I’ve been on a little hiatus since Christmas but yesterday was 1/11/11 which I have on good authority is an auspicious time for new beginnings. Let’s get it started! Yesterday for lunch I stopped by the Louisiana Territory Cajun food truck for a Po’ Boy, selecting a “Pepper Picker” with sausage and peppers and onions and special sauce. Mmm…so good! This truck has serious El Camino cred and is a friend of this blog. My new buddy Cherie who manages the truck hipped me to this article in Metro last week about The Alameda. I hadn’t seen it. Thanks, Cherie! [Update: corrected to spelling of Cherie’s name.]

The article “Street of Dreams” by Gary Singh is about recent changes on The Alameda, focusing on A Plan for “The Beautiful Way” which came out of the community meetings and planning process I was privileged to participate in from 2009-2010. He calls out some of many businesses which make The Alameda so awesome: The Usuals, Crema, and newcomer Black & Brown.

CIMG0274Then he goes on to gripe a bit about the plan, the 100-page document BMS Design Group produced after studying current conditions and collecting community input. Singh’s biggest concern is that the plan will drive out the funky eclecticity of the Town Center stretch south of Lenzen by imposing homogeneity with matching lampposts and coordinated newspaper racks. I think his fear is unfounded. It’s not like some developer is razing the buildings to the ground and building from scratch because then, sure, you might end up with something like Santana Row which is perfect and commercial but inauthentic. The whole purpose of the community meetings was to hear from the people who live and work there what needs to be fixed (traffic!) and what needs to be preserved (bells!). I was very pleased with how BMS ran the meetings and I am more than satisfied that the plan captures the soul of The Alameda. All the technical details are designed to make the Town Center a more accessible and inviting place that will draw visitors and impart to them the special and historic character of the place.

All the same it’s great to see press about El Camino and I’m glad people are noticing all the positive changes happening. It’s noteworthy that Metro Newspapers is itself located on El Camino, in San Jose’s SoFA district. The Alameda and SoFA are like bookends on downtown, and both are blossoming into urban treasures. The Alameda has a ways to go but they have a beautiful road map.


Read “Street of Dreams” by Gary Singh,, January 5, 2011.

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